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Services We Offer

Reiki Treatment

Reiki Energy Healing

What is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. A complete Reiki session is offered to a fully clothed recipient who is lying on a treatment table. The practitioner will use light, non-invasive touch placing and holding their hands on a series of location on the front and back of the torso.
The experience of this treatment is subjective, changeable, and sometimes very subtle. People can experience heat or coolness in the practitioner's hands. Yet others experience subtle pulsations where the practitioner's hands are placed or throughout the body. It's not unusual to notice very little with your first treatment however keep in mind Reiki is cumulative and often people have progressively deeper experiences as they continue to receive this beautiful healing energy.


Reiki Intuitive Reading

A Reiki Intuitive Reading is simply a form of energy reading. It is intended to be a self discovery tool used to help you hear the voice of your soul and your hearts true desire.

A session is offered to a fully clothed recipient who is lying on a treatment table.  Your Chakra energy system will be assessed and explored through light non-invasive touch. This exploration will allow me to give you confirmation and encouragement that you are on the right path. Feel areas of stuck energy or trauma that may be holding you back. Receive guidance to your questions or areas of concern.​

These sessions are not predictive of the future. They are not meant to take the place of medical or psychological treatments or therapy. They are meant to allow you to see your gifts, talents, opportunities for growth and give you a safe place where you can have a conversation with your heart and your soul.


Divine Wisdom Card Reading

Oracle cards are a powerful tool that offers the opportunity to connect with your higher self, receive guidance on your questions or areas of concern, and encourage you on your path.​ 

These sessions are not predictive of the future. They are not meant to take the place of medical or psychological treatments or therapy. They are meant to allow you to see your gifts, talents, opportunities for growth and give you a safe place where you can have a conversation with your heart and your soul.

Pressure Points

Stress Relief Massage

This massage focuses on the hands, feet, and scalp only. The hands, feet and scalp are rich in nerve endings and acupressure points. Giving this trio some TLC is proven to induce total relaxation. This Massage begins with the scalp followed by massage for your hardworking hands and feet.


Hand Massage

Why not give those hard working hands a little TLC? Our hands do so much for us every day. This 30 minute massage is designed to decrease fatigue, pain and tension in those hard working hands.

Mani Pedi

Foot Scrub With Massage

This treatment focuses on exfoliating the skin of your hard-working feet. Treat your feet to a peppermint foot scrub plus massage from the knee to the tips of your toes. Relieve your stress, decrease your fatigue, and walk away on clouds.

Cozy Winter

Winter Foot Warm Up

This treatment focuses on warmth, warmth and warmth
for those cold toes.
Your feet will be wrapped in warmed soft towels, then gently massaged with warm lotion and our hot jade stones. What a wonderful way to warm those toes
melt away those winter chilly blues.


pricing includes GST


$85 - 60 minutes
$105 - 90 minutes

Reiki Intuitive Reading

$75 - 30 minutes

$90 - 60 minutes

Divine Wisdom Card Reading

$50 - 30 minutes

Reiki With Hand and Foot Massage

$115 - 90 minutes

Stress Relief Massage

(hands, feet and scalp massage)

$85 - 60 minutes
$105 - 90 minutes

Hand Massage

$45 - 30 minutes

Foot Massage With Scrub

$80 - 60 minutes

$45 - 30 minutes

Winter Foot Warm Up

$45 - 30 minutes
$80 - 60 minutes

*Please note not all services may be covered by insurance. It is the responsibility of the individual to know their policy coverage. Inner Gifts of The Heart will not be held responsible for denied treatment claims.*

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